IV FORUM INNOWACYJNOŚCI „Polska droga do czystego transportu”

March 01, 2021

The meeting is devoted to discussing changes in the transport and urban mobility sector, which are related to the necessity to implement the so-called Green Deal and achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

To find more information and actively participate in the Forum please visit:

https: //ios. click­me­eting. com/iv-forum-inno­wa­cyj­no­sci-pol­ska-droga-do-czy­stego-trans­portu-05-03-2021/re­gi­ster? _ga=2.155391611.1717784119.1613375132-1625783008.1597752410


or FB IOŚ-PIB profile  https: //www. face­book. com/IOSPIB