XLIX Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis

May 19, 2017

On 15-17 March 2017 in the auditorium of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS in Cracow took place the 49th Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, in which we had the opportunity to participate. The event focused researchers interested in the heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic catalysis, and also scientists involved in the synthesis and characterization of catalysts and sorbents. During the poster sessions we presented two posters:

Hydrogen production by steam reforming of DME over Ni-V catalysts experimental vs. model data
I. S. Pieta, R. Gonzalez-Gil, P. Kowalik, K. Antoniak-Jurak, M.A. Larrubia, C. Herrera, L. J. Alemany, W. S. Epling


Waste 2 Fuel catalyst and process development for waste biomass valorisation
A. Kazmierczuk, P. Lisowski, P. Kowalik, K. Antoniak-Jurak, E. Serwicka-Bahranowska, I. S. Pieta

Each of these posters was also featured in the Flash Oral presentation. Their aim was to familiarize participants with the research topic and to invite to the discussion.